Cleared some early veg crops? Sow some purpose mixed green manure seed to dig in later boosting fertility and adding organic matter to the soil.
Watering is so important right now with fruit, vegetables and flowers needing water daily. Container-grown plants may even need doing twice daily in hot weather. (Utilise 'grey-water' - used water from baths, showers etc).
Keep on top of weeds as they will compete for water with your crops.
Runner beans
Runner beans may be reaching the top of their supports. Now’s the time to remove the tips from lead shoots. This will produce side shoots to increase cropping and keep cropping to a manageable height.
Harvest French and Runner beans regularly when young and tender. This will prevent them from ‘running to seed’ and prolong cropping into early autumn.
Turn the compost heap every month to create excellent mulching material for next year. You may want to mix in a compost activator to assist the breakdown of vegetative materials.
Remember to keep the heap moist.
Fancy some new potatoes for Christmas? Time then to plant some up in a pot and get them growing!
Pests and diseases
Keep the usual ‘close eye’ for pests and diseases. Early action is also preferable to contain and defeat attacks.
Ordering bulbs and plants for next year
Time to think about ordering your spring flowering bulbs and perennial plants for autumn planting. Suddenly our thoughts turn to next year. Where has the time gone?
Remember to take notes and images of this year. They will help you plan for next year and create even better displays and edible crops for next year!
Happy Gardening!