Alternatively, you can spread some metaldehyde-free pellets or try copper bands or ‘beer traps’. Perhaps the best choice is to purchase some nematodes (microscopic worms), which when sprayed on the soil, proceed to parasitise the slugs and snails.
Remember to thin out direct-sown seedlings to ensure your produce matures properly and to create air movement to reduce disease problems.
Temperatures in the greenhouse can rise quickly on sunny days in May so make sure you provide sufficient ventilation.
When watering, do it early or late, to reduce loss by evaporation.
Do your best to keep your garden ‘weed-free’ to encourage the best crops and reduce pest & disease problems.
Try sowing Zinnias direct in the garden. Garden books recommend to sow these spectacular flowers inside and plant out, but they do very well sown direct as they do not like root disturbance.
Plant up hanging baskets, using trailing plants around the sides and upright or large-flowered subjects in the centre of the basket.
So, we have a busy month ahead, but putting the time in now, besides being enjoyable will pay bumper dividends as cropping commences!
Happy gardening!