Should you need to water, early morning or in the evening are best, when evaporation is low.
Divide your garden into a number of areas and soak a different patch each night. This ensures the water will reach the plant roots.
As peas and broad beans come into flower, water well. It is the key time to maximise yields.
Ornamental plants in borders and containers will be producing flowers rapidly this month, so you need to keep up with the ‘dead-heading’ to remove fading flowers and encourage further flowering.
There is still time to think about tomatoes if you need them, since there are plenty of young plants in the garden centres. If you have suffered ‘Leaf Blight’ fungal disease on your tomatoes in previous years, look for new resistant varieties with the ‘Crimson’ prefix in their names. Varieties are available in all the popular types like cherry, medium, beefsteak and plum fruited.
Remember to plant sweet corn in blocks, it will improve pollination.
Maintain your watchfulness for early signs of pests and diseases. They are much easier to control if you catch them before numbers build.
Attacks from carrot fly can be a problem from June onwards. Cover crops with horticultural fleece to stop the adults laying their eggs around the young carrot roots.
Keep the greenhouse clean and tidy. As light intensity increases, it may be necessary to suspend shade netting above the plants, or use whitewash on the greenhouse roof and sides.
Don’t forget your summer salads. Sowings made every couple of weeks will keep you in tasty, succulent, vitamin-rich crops right the way through the season!
Happy Gardening!